The book trailer for my new book, Wake Up, Generation!

Wake Up, Generation, a breakout new title from debut author Paige Omartian, will revolutionize the life of any young adult seeking purpose, passion, and direction. As a growing generation is characterized by a lifestyle of apathy and indifference, Paige uses biblical teaching and shares relatable stories to help young people break the chains and discover the God-driven mission for their lives. Readers will…

* understand their life’s sacred purpose
* wake up to the needs of the world around them
* develop a vision and mission statement for life
* realize how their own story fits into God’s design
* become equipped to live out the passionate, fulfilling life God intended

Singles from Paige’s debut album, Wake Up, have appeared on Top 30 charts of Christian music, and extensive media coverage, including an appearance on the Today Show, has earned her a legion of fans. With a growing reach, Paige will connect with readers and help them understand that it’s time to wake up!

Warning: Discretion Advised

When I was growing up, my parents always used to warn me about the movies I wanted to see. When I’d get invites to go to the movies with friends, honestly, sometimes I didn’t even think to ask what the movie was. The only thing on my mind was hanging with my friends – the movie was secondary. But of course, as I went to ask my parent’s permission, they would always expect to know exactly what movie we were planning on seeing, what I knew about it… and where they could read a thorough review. Though this often drove me crazy and sometimes meant that I wouldn’t get to go… they made sure that I learned a few lessons. 

1. Don’t be mindless and not know what you’re about to be doing/watching.
2. Don’t assume your friends are making a wise suggestion…
3. Be discerning.

When my parents eventually turned over the “key” to my movie watching decisions, I found “being discerning” could sometimes be difficult. Whose standards should I base my decision on? My friends said it was ok… so it should be, right? My parents probably wouldn’t like it… but they are really strict. I’m sure I can handle it, I reasoned.

We can “reason” our way out of anything. As long as we turn our conscience off first.

Right now, you and I are in a battle that requires incredible discernment. This battle is with way more than just movies… rather, what we believe, what we support, what we give our lives to. Each one of those areas in our lives have been attacked, and without even realizing it, we may have had the truth stolen right out from underneath us. What are you standing on? Why do you believe what you believe? How have you determined truth?

There are many things that appear one way, and are another. We all love the saying, “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover”… but how many people actually like to dig deeper when the cover looks great and is extremely popular?

I feel a deep burden to remind us all to be discerning in these times in which we live. We are bombarded daily by so many voices and messages – we can’t be lazy and neglect to sort and discern each one. If something blows up and becomes crazy popular – don’t take it at face value. Research it. Pray about it. Seek to really understand and determine God’s position on it. Don’t blindly follow something without knowing exactly where it’s leading you (and others).

I want to leave you with some verses to dig into and meditate on. I encourage you to ask God to reveal if there is anything that you have mistaken for truth or have not dug deep enough into. Pray that He would give you wisdom and discernment, and that you would clearly see everything with His eyes and heart. I am doing the same. 🙂

“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.” Matthew 10:16

“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” Colossians 2:8

“Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil.” 2 Thessalonians 5:21-22  

*Do you have a story of God revealing an area in your life where you hadn’t been discerning? How did He reveal that to you? And what did He call you to do differently? I’d love for you to share your story below.

What is my book “Wake Up, Generation” about?



I wrote a book.

My very first book.

And it releases THIS August.

I couldn’t be more excited!! The truth is, God has been writing this book on my heart since I was 11 years old. I never grew up thinking I would be an author, but as my story has unfolded, there was no way I could keep the things God has been teaching me to myself. They’re too big. Too essential. Too life-changing. I had to write a book.

This book is about finding your purpose. It’s called “Wake Up, Generation” because I believe my generation has been sleepwalking in apathy, blind to our life’s value, and worst of all, numb to our true purpose. The world tells us that we’re young and have all the time in the world to “get things together”. But as I found out as a cancer-stricken 11-year-old, we don’t even know what’s going to happen tomorrow (James 4:14). Our life is a precious mist that can be taken from us at any second. We don’t have time to be apathetic. We don’t have time to mess around. We don’t have time… to waste.

If you feel drowned in the sea of indifference and mediocrity… this book will inspire you. If you feel lost in the maze of countless expectations and routes… this book will free you. If you feel hopeless beyond all reason… this book will begin to restore you.

Some of the specific things God has led me to cover in this book are: reclaiming your value, discovering your gifts, igniting your God-given passion, writing a mission statement for your life, learning how to live the mission God’s given you, and opening your eyes to global needs so you can use your life to change the world around you.

This is a book about waking up to your purpose. This is a book about refusing to waste your life.

If you’re still breathing, there’s a reason why you’re here.

That’s what my book is about.

Are You Following?

So, unfortunately it looks like facebook doesn’t like the idea of changing your name when you have a facebook fan page. This means I have to leave my Paige Armstrong page behind and start a brand new Paige Omartian one from scratch. Will you help to make the transition easy by joining me on my new page? I don’t want to loose a single one of you! Besides, it’s gonna be a party over there. 😉

Meet the New Me… Paige Omartian.

Hey Everyone,

Some big changes have been going on in my life lately… namely… I got married! 🙂

November 11th (11.11.11) was our special day, and it truly was amazing. We said our vows in front of huge bay windows that displayed a gorgeous sunset and perfectly tinted fall trees. The celebration continued at the reception where we had dinner, fellowship, and dancing. Chris and I actually learned a special dance for our “first dance song” (which was “One and Only” by Michael O’Brien) full of turns, dips, and even a kiss! Every moment of our wedding was unforgettable. After waiting our whole lives for that day, it felt almost strange to actually be standing in the midst of it. Chris and I had to keep looking at our rings and telling each other after the ceremony… “Psst, we’re married!!” It seemed too incredible to believe!

We returned from an amazing honeymoon just in time for Thanksgiving (how awesome is that?!) and have been working on getting settled in our home and decorating for Christmas ever since.

As I sit in my new home and type this, I can’t help but think of what an amazing whirlwind this all has been. In those brief moments at the alter, Chris and I declared vows that have changed our lives more than any other words we have ever said. (Besides what we said when we first came to Christ, of course.) When Chris and I were going through our pre-marital counseling with our pastor and his wife, they tried to warn and prepare us for the on-setting changes marriage would bring. To be honest, they blew our minds with the depth of what it really means to join your life with someone… to lay down your life for them, commit no matter what to them, and so many other things. One of the things that I didn’t expect to hear from them was that I should seriously prepare myself for my changed name. They told me that taking on your husband’s name can result in a sort of identity crisis in some women. While I loved writing “Paige Omartian” all over my desk’s Post-it-Notes and notebooks, they were right. There was something scary about loosing the name that had “defined” me all my life. Who is Paige Omartian?? I didn’t know her! The name sounded so foreign… yet it was soon to be mine.

Since I am a nerdy list person, I grabbed my journal one night and began to dissect who this “Paige Omartian” really was. What does she look like? What is she like? How does she carry herself? What does she find important? Questions like these flooded my mind until I spilled out all the things I felt Paige Omartian “should be”. My pen stopped after one description in particular. This was the one my heart had been longing to see. I had written, “Paige Omartian is who Paige Armstrong is destined to be.”

That was it.

That was the answer I had been searching for to give me assurance of this “new person” I was about to become. I already knew that Chris was God’s plan for me, but when I grasped the fact that Paige Omartian was as well… every drop of fear over my new name evaporated and was replaced with the deepest excitement and thrill. This is the name God has given me!

Now, it’s official. I am Paige Omartian. I realize that many of you who have followed my music, speaking, and ministry have gotten to know me by my former name. This is why I wanted to share some of the process with you – to introduce you to the same, but very new me.

There are a lot of things on the horizon right now, and my first book is on the forefront. Currently, it’s in the editing process with my publisher, and is projected to release in the fall of 2012. I will certainly keep you posted during this process and will let you know the official release date as soon as possible.

Oh, and one more thing! Just to make sure we are all starting off on the same foot, let me give you the correct pronunciation of my new last name. (Many people seem to think it rhymes with the little green martians from space!)
It’s pronounced: OH-MAR-TEE-AN.

Ahh. There we go. Much better now. 🙂

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey as we each seek to live the mission He has called us to. I’m excited about His promised plans for each of us!

Living His Mission,

Paige Omartian


My dear friends,

As many of you know, I have recently had the most exciting months of my life as I am now engaged to be married to the incredible man that God has so graciously given to me. God has written a beautiful and unexpected story in Chris and I as He brought us together. I wanted to share a few of our engagement photos with you as well as a link where you can catch a glimpse of our story in a recent press release: Click Here .

Words can’t describe how thrilled and grateful we both are for the gift that God has given us in each other. I look forward to sharing more of our journey along the way as we step into this new and life changing season in our lives. One thing that has been made very clear to me at this time… is that it is WORTH the wait!

My Sleepless Night: Are Our Blessings Traveling In Disguise?

Last night, I told the Lord that I missed Him. I hadn’t gotten to spend as much time with Him the past few days as I would have liked, and I wanted that time to draw near to Him again. I asked Him to bring me back into close communion and to give me special quiet time with Him.

It was late in the evening and I was trying to get some work done, but my brain was shutting down and my eyes were drooping, so I decided to call it a night and head to  bed. Fortunately, I usually don’t have trouble falling asleep or even staying asleep for that matter, so I drifted off to dreamland rather quickly.

At 4:20am, I was woken up by terrible pain in my stomach and a feeling of sickness that made my whole body miserable. I laid
there for a while in hopes that it would just go away, but it only got worse as the minutes went on. I decided to pull myself out of bed and see if I had any medicine or vitamins that would relieve my pain and help me feel better. I took what I found and hoped it would work quickly.

Minutes slowly turned into hours. I was too uncomfortable to read, or even distract myself on the computer, so all I could do was lay there. I began to pray… what started as praying for God to take away my pain turned into prayers about everything. There has been much going on in my life lately that I’ve needed to pray about – prayers for people close to me who are in need, prayers for my own wisdom and guidance, prayers of thanksgiving and reflection. For the first time in a while, I had time to really be alone with my thoughts and the Lord. It wasn’t rushed trying to wrap up my morning devotion to start my day, and it wasn’t cut short by my tiredness at the end of the night when I’m about to fall asleep. It was unhindered time.. it was exactly what I asked for… but certainly not in the way I intended.

Sometimes blessings are the same way. We ask for something good – and then, much to our confusion, something uncomfortable, even terrible happens. What happened to the blessing that we asked for? Doesn’t God want to bless us?
He does… and He did. His ways are not our ways, and He desires to open our eyes to be able to see the answer to our prayers that He has often already given us.

How ironic that when I told God I missed Him and wanted more time with Him – He gave it to me by waking me up in the night with a stomach ache. Perhaps that sounds a little less than desirable… and well, it certainly wasn’t how I had envisioned it. But the truth is, it was exactly what I needed.

In fact, I still haven’t even gone back to sleep yet… I’m writing this and the sun has already risen. But this time was really precious to me, and my day, my week will be different because of it. My stomach ache was my blessing.

Is there a blessing in your life God is trying to give you that you may be missing? Look closely… it just may be in a clever disguise.